In a Vase, On Monday – Tall Flowers

Our perfect spring weather has produced extra tall flowers this May, and I’ve taken advantage of it by dusting off this tall Blue Mountain Pottery vase. It’s filled with tall bearded Iris, tall hybrid lupins, very tall Purple Sensation and Mt. Everest Alliums, a few Egyptian Walking Onion scapes already curling and fruzzy bronze fennel foliage to cover bare legs. To see other vases, check out Cathy’s blog – Rambling in the Garden.


  1. What a lovely combo, Chris. Particularly like the white iris and the bronze fennel.

    Here’s the one I put together yesterday….Iris, brunnera and golden bleeding heart leaves.


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  2. I don’t often have tall vases, even in the summer, and always have difficulty photographing them when I do! You have used an interesting selection of tall blooms and have made me wonder if some of my plants are taller this year too because of the rainfall. Is that iris completely white? It certainly looks it. Does Mt Everest do well for you? it rarely returns for me, unlike my other allium

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    1. Yes, the Iris is totally white – these are a reblooming variety – German Iris??? They spread really quickly and in the seven or eight years I’ve had them (given by a friend) I’ve lifted and divided twice already.

      Mt Everest DOES do well! In fact, it reproduces via offsets more than any other of the large Alliums I have, and sends up tall stalks every year. Thankfully, it’s not one of those (like Purple Sensation or Karataviense) that sets seeds leaving you with hundreds of baby alliums every spring (I generally leave my seed heads standing quite a while…)


  3. It surprised me that your lupins stayed so erect, given those long stems. Of course, I’ve never seen a lupin of that sort, so I don’t know their habits! I especially enjoyed the last photo, but I smiled at the second. I couldn’t help noticing the flowers encircling the coffee cup and comparing them to the flowers in the vase. The vase flowers ‘won.’

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    1. LOL! I didn’t make that connection (coffee cup flowers) but did notice how the lupins were curving. Later in the day their curve had actually changed, as they tried to become more vertical I guess. Amazing to see. And the stems one these tall ones are quite thick, and likely stronger than bluebonnet or our species Lupines.

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  4. Ah, white bearded iris! White is my favorite color, but I sort of feel guilty about the three white bearded iris here, as if bearded iris are supposed to be more colorful. (Of the three, one unidentified cultivar, which might be feral, is rather pale white, but happened to perform well this year.)

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