Six on Saturday – Fall Foliage and End of Season Colour

It’s been a weird week — on and off rain accompanied by  afternoon temperatures approaching 30 at the beginning of the week that have since fallen to a more seasonal 10 or 11.  From singlets and shorts to jeans and plaid flannel shirts in just a few days.  Fitting that today is Pumpkinfest in Wellington (Prince Edward County, Ontario), where everything and everyone will be wearing pumpkin orange and celebrating the final harvests of the year.

There’s lots of orange around the yard, as well, provided mainly by tree and shrub foliage but also by marigolds and nasturtiums that continue to bloom.  Most of the perennials are done for the year but occasional splashes of colour can be found.  Here are five such splashes, plus a melon.

1:  Nasturtiums in my garden have flowered more in the past four weeks than during the height of summer – they must prefer the cooler temperatures and more frequent rain.  After years of growing them in the kitchen garden, I actually snipped off a few blooms this past week to add to our dinner salad.  Guess what?  They do, as everyone says, taste like radishes!

Nasturtiums October 10 2018 sm

2:  The last cantaloupe of the year – it’s sitting on the kitchen counter now; I think I’ll have it with breakfast tomorrow.

Cantelope October 11 2018

3:  Oregano that I cut back mid August is blooming again, much to the delight of many bees.

bee on oregano Oct 10 2018

4:  These Kordes ‘Crimson Bouquet’ roses keep setting bud and flowering.  It’s a grandiflora type of rose – and I’m learning that it’s a cross between a hybrid tea rose and a floribunda rose, if that means anything to anyone.  To me, it means it’s susceptible to black spot (marketing literature notwithstanding) and I’ve spent the summer plucking off afflicted leaves.  Still; it’s quite beautiful and, so far at least, worth the effort.

Rosa Crimson Bouquet October 11 2018

5:  Perhaps my favourite small tree, the Cornus alternifolia – Alternate Leaf Dogwood, aka Pagoda Dogwood. Striking branching structure, lovely white flower panicles in the spring and beautiful fall foliage.

Pagoda Dogwood leaf October 11 2018

6:  OK – I think I said last week’s Colchicum image would be the last of the year.  I lied.  Here, truly, is the last Colchicum image of the year, and only because next week, as you can likely tell, they’ll all be gone.

decaying Colchicum October 10 2018

That’s it for this week.  I suspect that by next most of the maple, ash and butternut trees will be naked, the leaves are changing colour and falling so quickly now.  All that will be left hanging from trees will be oak and the dreaded buckthorn.  Still no frost in sight though, so the annuals should still be around.

To see collections of Six photos from other gardeners the world over, check out The Propagator’s site.



  1. Vibrant photos of your rose and nasturtium, Chris. The flowers on the nasturtium are especially intense in colour. I didn’t know they taste like radishes. Must have brightened up your salad! Sad to think the coloured leaves are already nearly gone.

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  2. Seriously!? Nasturtium? That is an excellent picture. Not many would want to show them off. I will, once mine get going again. In some spots, they are warm season annuals. In others, they are happier through the winter. My planter box happens to be a good spot for them through the winter. When I lived in town, they bloomed throughout the year. By the time those that bloomed through summer finished, another batch was developing for the winter. By the time they finished, a new batch was growing for summer! I really like them, but it surprises me when others do too. They are not exactly the most glamorous of flowers.

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      1. Well, the ‘tasty’ has been a problem for me. For a while, I was finding stems of missing flowers in the planter box downtown. Eventually, I encountered someone plucking and bagging the flowers. When confronted, she explained that the flowers are edible. So . . . . Seriously? I have no problem with her taking some or even many of the flowers, but why on Earth would anyone take them ALL?
        You know, I do not like orange much, but I have been growing nasturtiums since I was a little kid. The basic yellow and orange are still my favorite. It makes no sense.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. We actually, as per the weather forecast late yesterday, had our first frost overnight! I think the nasturtiums were protected enough but I’ll be busy cleaning off canna tubers today.


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