Six on Saturday- 20/02/2021 – Seeds and Snow

Yesterday morning I came across a photo of a cow with humongous horns standing in an icy landscape by a Texas road – not what I’d expect and certainly not what Texans are used to. The ice and snow that is. Winter storms and a Polar Vortex made the American deep south look and feel like parts of a wintry Canada this past week, and my heart and thoughts go out to them. A little while later in the morning, while on a Zoom call, I heard that Australia is also setting records – but for heat. Days of 40 degree (above 100 Fahrenheit) temperatures. Plus a plague that is threatening their roses. There’s an imogee out there called ‘Feeling Blessed’ and that’s just how I feel – pretty normal weather here PLUS the dining room table covered with seed packets. Spring is just four weeks away!!! Every week The Propagator hosts a round-up of six things from people’s gardens around the world; here’s what caught my fancy.

First: seeds! Every winter I get lulled by long nights, books read in front of a cozy fireplace and snow covered garden beds until one day I realize: seed starting! It’s almost time! Luckily I did, sort of, have a plan, and here’s what I pulled out of my seed drawer yesterday. Now I need to sort them into what needs to be started now, what should wait until some time in March, and what I’ll direct seed into the garden at some point in the spring.

And now for the snow! We’ve had a nice blanket of insulating snow all of February (so far at least; temps are forecast to rise a bit above zero in the coming days). I went out at dusk Thursday to get a few shots.

Raised beds. I’m thinking of moving them closer to the house this spring to make watering easier. It’ll be a bit of work but likely worthwhile.
There’s been so many critter tracks to follow this year. I can recognize rabbit, squirrel, mice and coyote tracks but I’m pretty sure there a few others in the mix as well. I won’t show you the remains of a coyote’s rabbit meal I came across.
When I was younger I lifted, by myself, those concrete benches and patio table into place. They were level, honestly! Now I mostly enjoy the Seussical look to the set-up.
Speaking of chairs…I think I take this same photo once or twice every winter. Sorry!
Finally, to complete my Six this week, the view from my dining room window yesterday afternoon. The white smudges are actually falling snowflakes. They drifted down, ever so softly, all day. It was quite magical. And then I had to go out and shovel the foot of the driveway, where the snowplow had left its mark.

Spring is coming – I know that because the days are getting longer! I can go for a short run before work again! If you live in Australia, New Zealand or elsewhere in the southern hemisphere, autumn approaches! Cooler temperatures! Perhaps some rain! Have a wonderful week, and stay safe!


  1. Glad you enjoyed the cow! Everyone thought it was a Longhorn, but it isn’t. It’s actually Ankole-Watusi, a modern American breed that’s been developed from African stock. Their horns are amazing. Today, we’re moving into warmer temperatures, and in my area there’s not a bit of ice and snow left. It’s the usual winter pattern, here. What was different this time is that the cold, ice, and snow were statewide, and they lasted ten days instead of three!

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  2. Normal?! Well, I suppose. It is all relative. I intend to eventually experience snow, but I doubt I will enjoy it for long. I encountered a little bit of it in Oklahoma, so learned why those who are familiar with it dislike it.

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    1. It’s interesting…most Canadians LOVE the snow when they’re kids, but as they get older, many grow to dislike the cold and winters in general. (Hence ‘snowbirds’) I am enjoying winter more an more though. Of course, I don’t live on the prairies or in the northern territories, where it’s REALLY cold! Yes, you definitely should spend some time one winter in a snowy region. I’m sure you’d appreciate the beauty, if not the temperatures!

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      1. When I went to Oklahoma, I had planned to be there about a week. Instead, we stayed for two and a half months! I would like to get stuck in Vermont for that long. I might not like it by the time I leave, but it would be SO worth it. To me, Vermont and Washington are like the very top of the known Universe. I can imagine nothing farther north than that.

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  3. I need to have a good look through my seed draw and work out the plan of attack. I’m teaching flowers at school in a few weeks, so probably look at doing a lot alongside the kids, then may be able to make use of the poly tunnel.

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  4. Wonderful snowy pictures – your red chairs look fabulous. Reading the comments took me back. I was born in Canada and we lived in Saskatoon for a while – I remember driving in snow ruts for months – and the mud on main streets in small towns come the spring. Your seed packets are so cheering – our snow is gone now and I sowed my first seed this weekend.

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