In a Vase, On Monday – Raindrops on Snowflakes

A light rain fell all day yesterday, boughing down branches and pretty much everything else as well, so I was quick about cutting a few Leucojum and Narcissus ‘Quail’ stems. Summer Snowflake, with flowers eerily similar to Lily of the Valley (without the fragrance) are quickly reaching peak bloom; the bulbs multiply readily in my garden so I’ve used these two clumps as ‘feeders’ – digging up a portion every year or two and spreading them around the yard and gardens. It’s a nice look – just as most of the tall daffs have faded away there are these tall spires of small white flowers taking their place, Anyway, here’s my little vase this week, joining Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

Here are the two largish patches of Leucojum – in a semi-shaded part of the Island Bed. Have a great week everyone!


  1. I didn’t realize the Snowflakes would become so tall. I like the open, airy feeling of the vase flowers, and enjoyed seeing the vase juxtaposed with the still-grounded flowers next to them in the first photo.

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  2. I love Leucojum and miss mine from the old garden. I thought the ones I planted here 4 years ago were lost but I did find them blooming finally. I hope they fill in as I will gladly move some around. Your pictures with raindrops make for a stunning vase.

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  3. I planted Leucojum last fall and am happy to learn that they spread readily. I almost added a few to my vase this week, but restrained myself and kept it simple (surprisingly hard for me to do!).

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  4. Snowflake seems to bloom randomly here, as if it does not prefer a season. It is known alternately as summer snowflake, but summer is the one season that it does not seem to bloom in.

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  5. As others have said, the length of the leucojum stems make them useful partners for the narcissi. Mine don’t really seem to increase at all. and they too are in a semi-shaded position

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    1. A few years ago I transplanted some into more full sunlight spot and the stems are about 2/3 the length of those in the wooded areas. But even those seem to be sending up more flower stems year to year…

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